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Teaching activities


Lecturing on Research Methodology and Management at the University

He has developed several tailor-made courses on methodology of business research and management and he supervises several master thesis studies. At this moment he  lectures in the Master of International Business Programme (Corporate Social Responsibilities of MNC in the Global Value Chain) and in the European Master programme on Humanitarian action (General Management). In the recent new focus of the Universities to bring students closer to the world of Business he developed a new course: Business Research and Consultancy and together with two collegues this course is offered as an elective course recognized by almost all of the master programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Guest lectures abroad:

He gave guest lecturer at the University of Indonesia (Jakarta) in April  and November 2007 and in April 2008 he  lectured at the  University of Makassar, at the Institut for Technike in Bandung and also at the University UGM of YogYakarta in April 2008. In January 2009 he lectured also at the CESAG in Dakar, Senegal. In June  of 2007, 2008 and 2009 he was lecturing at the University of Uppsala on Research Methodology for the Double Degree Master’s programme in International Business & Management  specialization in International Financial Management    (Groningen, Uppsala). In August 2010 he visited and lectured also at UGM for the Network On Humanitarian Aid (NOHA). In 2011(in April) he gave a guest lecture at the University  in Poso (Sulawesi, Indonesia)  on research methodology and in August 2012 he gave a master class on Research Methodology at the ITB in Bandung (Java, Indonesia). In 2013 and 2014 he contributed as well to the Double Degree master at the Business School of University of Newcastle and in 2015 he gave a guest lecture in Surabaya at the Wijaya Putru University. In 2018 (December) he was at the Shanghai University SIlC Business School to lecture and from 2015 he is a visiting lecture in Tanzania at the institute of Finance Management (Dar Es Salaam).

 Lecturing on Research Methodology outside  the University

Besides his work at the university he also is involved in contributing to several educational MBA programs of BSN Netherlands, IBO, het instituut voor bedrijfskundige opleidingen and  AOG Groningen. During several years he was lecturing in the MBA “bouwen” of the TSM business School in Enschede. From 2010 he participates in the development of the master program on Technical Engineering in Taiz University of Yemen (2010-2013).  From 2007 - 2012 he contributes to  the course Research methods  for  the University of Leiden: master Business and ICT organized by CAI and he also participates in some of the programs of the AOG School of Management in which he teaches research methodology.

 Lecturing on Organisational Theory applied in the international context

In the bachelor program of International Business  he is the coordinator of the course  Organizational Structure  since February 2008. In that program he also gave lectures on leadership, communications in organizations and cultural diversity.

 Lecturing on Management in the master on International Humanitarian action

 In this Erasmus Mundus program of the University of Groningen he is coordinator of the course Management  (2009 - ..) and in this context he also supervises each year 2-3 master thesis projects in the field of Humanitarian Action.


Lecturing on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Value Chain in the master of International Business of the Faculty of Economics and Business