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Publications of last years



Most recent research output 2017 – February 2019



Papers presented:

Polen, the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI)

WSB University in Wroclaw, Poland, 29 - 30 August 2018.

·      Mahona, B, K, Pennink,B.J.W,  Mnzava, B.  and Dümmer, J. Development and regulation of local energy firms in Tanzania: Industry and Local Economic Development.


Sofia, Bulgaria New Business Models conference June 2018

Buck, de M. And Pennink, B.J.W. Smart cities: are slowing loop initiatives the solution to a sustainable future?

·         Pereira, P.  and Pennink, B.J.W.  Unravelling multi-value creation: the case of solar energy initiatives

 ·      Galiën, Van der W.  and Bartjan Pennink, B.J.W.  Multi-actor Multi-value creation in New Sustainable Business Models

 ·      Fritze, L and Pennink B.J.W.  Multi value creation and value-based management in Humanitarian Action



·      Jonker, Pennink, Marques Morguado,P.  2018,  Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Económicas - Um guia conciso para estudantes de mestrado e doutoramento em ciência de gestão .   Actual Editora , ISBN 9789896943332


Chapters in a book:

Bekker V, Pennink B.J.W. (2018).  The Natural Resource Curse: A Country Case Study—Tanzania (Chapter 19). In Dorsman, A.B, Ediger, V., Karan, M, B. 2018. Energy Economy, Finance and Geostrategy. Springer

Herold S., Pennink B.W. (2018) Project Management. In: Heintze HJ., Thielbörger P. (eds) International Humanitarian Action. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14454-2_21




Educational Festival, Groningen 2018, 12/4/2018 (presentation)

·      “Collaborating, cooperating and virtual teams”


SHU-UTS SILC Business School, Shanghai University (guest lectures)

·      “Modeling Local Economic and Social Development”.         (14/12/ 2018)

·      “Managing cultural differences in communication”.           (11/12/2018)


Unicef: UNICEF Studententeam Groningen “How to give beneficiaries a voice in Humanitarian actions” 12/2/2019, (guest lecture)

“How to give beneficiaries a voice in Humanitarian actions”












Publicaties Pennink 2011


 Jonker, J., Pennink, B.J.P., Wahyuni, S. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian: Panduan untuk Master dan Ph.D. di Bidang Manajemen. Jagakarsa, Jakarta (Indonesia) : Penerbit Salemba Empat

 Pennink, B.J.W. (2011) Individuele en gemeenschappelijke beelden om samen te managen, het ontwikkelen van een model.  Lap Lambert Academic Publishing Ag & Co Kg, isbn 978384431826 (heruitgave van proefschrift)

Conference papers

 Pennink, B.J.W. Social Capital, Social Entrepreneurship and The Local  Economic Development Process: Theoretical and practical  implications for economic development in remote areas - Working paper – presented on the Sase 23th Annual Conference Madrid 23 -25 June 2011

Zanden van der, R. & Pennink, B.J.W.“People's Peace Building”, How the role of a ”conflict culture” in intractable conflicts can be addressed by a “cultural peace building” strategy. Paper presented at the 2nd international conference: 'Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict  (LOVA) 6-July 2011, Amsterdam


 Pennink, B.J.W. Sustainable Society: Regional Economic Development: Empowerment and Social Capital in Indonesian Case Studies (first results). Panel Presentation at the GSG launching conference:Sustainable Society, Healthy Aging and Energy  in Global Contexts Trans-Disciplinary Invitations, 21/12/2011 Groningen

 Publicaties Pennink 2012


Boom, I. Pennink. B.J.W. 2012 The relation between humannes and knowledge sharing in Malasyia – Empirical evidence from Malaysian Managers. Gama, International Journal of Business, 14/2

Pennink. B.J.W. From “Family based” to “Industrial based” production:  Including the local actors into the Triple Helix model  (AJTM) The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol. 5 No. 2 (2012): 70-79

Research report:

Schoot Uiterkamp B.J and Pennink, B.J.W. (2012) Local Capacity Development via Knowledge Sharing: Empirical Results from Sulawesi Research Report No. 30

Presented papers

Social responsibility in modern times means at research universities “academic engagement”. Paper  for APAI conference  University Social Responsibility for the benefit of Mankind at the Mahidol University, Bangkok , 4-6 April 2012

Huisman L., Pennink B.J.W. (2012) Influences of Decentralization on Knowledge Sharing in Tanzanian Local Government Agencies: A Social Perspective

 Paper for the 3rd International Conference on Development Policy of the Institute of Finance Management , Dar es Salaam August 2012

 From “Family based”  to “Industrial based” production: Local economic Development initiatives and the HELIX model  Paper presented on: 10th Triple Helix conference in Bandung, August 2012

 Seminar on Research Methodoloy for ITB Bandung, master and doctorate students of SBM, Summer 2012 (one full day)

 Publicaties Pennink 2013


Tadeo Satta & Bartjan Pennink. (2013) The role of Local Government Financial Management and Local Tax Revenues in the process of decentralization by devolution in Tanzania    Research report Globalisation study centre Groningen  (130 pages)


 M.T.J. Vredegoor, dr. B.J.W. Pennink (2013) Including capabilities of local actors in regional economic development:  Empirical results  of local seaweed industries in Sulawesi  (accepted) Journal of South East Asian Management.

Ton Schrijen and Bartjan Pennink (2013) Do India’s activities in Africa liberate and strengthen Africa’s position in the Euro-African relation? Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (submitted)

Conference papers

Femke H. de Jong & Dr. B.J.W. Pennink (2013) The influence of Chinese firms and immigrants on the local economic development. Case study of Dar es Salaam  Paper for the 4rd International Conference on Development Policy of the Institute of Finance Management , Dar es Salaam August 2013

de Bruin, J,  Pennink, B.J.W., Satta, T. (2013)  Human coordination, price risk management and local economic development: Cooperatives in Tanzania .Paper presented at the 4rd International Conference on Development Policy of the Institute of Finance Management , Dar es Salaam August 2013

Pennink., B.J.W. (2013) Dimensions of Local Economic Development: Social entrepreneurship, the  Local Community, Triple Helix Idea and the Global Value Chain  Towards a multilevel, multi-actor model   Working paper  presented at  the  the 5th Indonesia International conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES 2013)

Niek Jan Willem Verkruijss, Bartjan Pennink & Wim Westerman (2013)  Renewable energy in Indonesia:  local economic development, money flows and group entrepreneurship.   paper presented at the 4th CEVI conference in Chicago. (4th Multinational Energy and Value Conference)  NORTHERN  ILLINOIS  UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS


Guest lecture: "Quantitative research methods or  Qualitative research methods?  That is not the main question!” 8 /3/2013 Manado for Research Methodology class in Doctoral Program of Management Sam Ratulangi University Manado based on our invitatio

Poster presentations Nvas studiedag 2013, November 2013


      Ubuntu: A person through other persons.  (together with four honours master students)

2.            The Global Value Chain Local Economic Development

Publicaties  Pennink 2014


Pennink, B.J.W. (2014) Dimensions of Local Economic Development: Towards a Multi-level, Multi Actor model  Journal of Business and Economics.  Isssn 2155-7950 January 2014 volume 5, no 1, pp 42-48

Fredriks, J,  Pennink, B.j.W. Simaputang, T and J. Siswanto (2014) Modelling a technology push by using hybrid franchising (The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ISSN 1465-7503), (accepted)


Nagi and Pennink (2014) Conquering the future market: Matching strategies of  Multinationals and the needs of people living at the Bottom of the Pyramid in urban areas . A case study on how to match the strategy of a  MNC and the needs of  local communities in Cairo.  (submitted to Journal of South East Asian Management)

Presented conference papers

R. E. W. Schuffel , B. J. W. Pennink & D. Mbona (2013)  Channel captains and their impact on local economic development. Evidence from the textile industry in Tanzania     Paper presented at  the Africa Academy of Management Conference from January  7-11, 2014 in Gaborone , Botswana   2014

Roelofson S. And B.J.W. Pennink (2014) Farmer empowerment as a tool to stimulate local economic development: the case of the cashew production in Tanzania  Paper presented at  the 5th International Conference on Development Policy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 21-22, August,  2014

 Huizen van der E. And B.J.W. Pennink (2014) How can Humanness and gender explain differences in Entrepreneurial Orientation of small business men  in Tanzania: empirical evidence from Dar es Salaam.  

 Paper presented at  the 5th International Conference on Development Policy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 21-22, August,  2014

Chapter of a book

F. Mulder and B.J.W. Pennink (2014) “The economic context  pp 70-85 in Heyse, L. , Zwitter, A, Wittek, R. , Herman, J. Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security, Routledge studies in Intervention and State building


·         Qualitative research approach and the focus on theory development, for master students, Phd students and staffmembers of Facultus of Managemen of Hasanuddin University Makasssar, dd 27/01/2014

Qualitative research methods and the focus on theory development for Phd students and staff members of Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Indonesia. Jakarta, dd 29/01/2014

Lecture in the Masterclas (C2R,concept to reality, Technology Introduction in Rural Areas, 22-24 january Manado, KNAW) C2R in a Remote Area Setting, 23/01/2014

·“Ubuntu” or “Humanness” as a management concept. Lezing op de programma Contactavond van Sanquin Consulting Services, 11/2/2014 Hoofdvestiging Sanquin, Amsterdam

·         Humanness and  fit with the African Market.  Presentatie tijdens de Africa Works conference op 17 oktober 2014 in Leiden

Publicaties  Pennink 2015

Chapter of a book

Verkruijsse, N.J.W., Pennink, B.J.W. & Westerman, w (2015) Chapter 7  “Renewable Energy in Indonesia: Integrating Human Capital and Money Flows  in … Dorsman A, Westerman, W & Simpson, J.L  Energy, Technology and Valuation Issues. Springer Verlag


·          From concept to reality in remote area settings:  Impacts on the local society  Public lecture in the University of Indonesia, Faculty of Chemistry January 2015

·          How to start or stimulate entrepreneurial activities with more people in a local situation  lecture at the Wuyaja University in Surabaya on 29th of January 2015