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Research Focus


Modeling Local Economic Development:

My main focus is on how to model the role of local communities in the proces of the improvements of Local Economic Development.  In my our research I make use of theories on Social Capital, Empowerment, Social Entrepreneurship and Civil Society and work out how these theories can be used to give new perspectives on the proces of Local Eonomic Development and in which way these processes can be stimulated. In this project I work together with several universities:  University of Indonesia, Jakarta, ITB in Bandung, UGM in Yogyakarta, Hasanuddin University in Makassar and the Institute of Finance Management in Dar es Salaam.

For a more detailed overview: http://bjwpennink.wixsite.com/ledmodel


Empirical research on  Ubuntu/ ‘Humanness’  in relation to Knowledge Transfer

Based on  the research on Ubuntu in Africa (in the line of the work of Karsten) I developed a questionnaire  that can be applied not only in the context of Africa but also on other places of the world.  For this reason I now make use of the label ‘Humanness’ with the central question: To which extend management styles are a balance between the focus on (local) communities and the individual (employee). This empirical measurement instrument will be used to relate Humanness to Knowledge Transfer.

For a detailed overview;   https://worldwideubuntu.wixsite.com/managementstyle/visualization